Genovations Accounting

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Tax Preparers: 7 Reasons to Use an IRS Enrolled Agent

Enrolled Agents (EAs) and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are both qualified to help you with your taxes, however, here are some reasons why an EA might be a better fit for your needs:

1. Tax Expertise

Enrolled Agents (EAs) specialize in tax matters and are specifically trained in tax law. They must pass a rigorous three-part examination administered by the IRS, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of tax regulations.

2. Focus on IRS Matters

EAs are particularly well-versed in dealing with the IRS. If you're facing tax issues or audits, an Enrolled Agent can provide valuable assistance in navigating these situations.

3. Cost-Effective

Enrolled Agents often charge competitive rates for their services. If your primary concern is tax-related issues, hiring an EA might be a cost-effective alternative to a Certified Public Accountant (CPAs).

4. Specialized Knowledge

While CPAs have a broader accounting focus that includes auditing and financial planning, EAs specialize exclusively in taxation. If your primary need is tax-related, an EA's specialized knowledge may be more aligned with your requirements.

5. Continuing Education

EAs are required to complete a certain number of hours of continuing education in tax matters every three years. This ensures that they stay updated on changes in tax laws and regulations.

6. Representation Before the IRS

EAs have the authority to represent clients before the IRS, including during audits, collections, and appeals. This can be a valuable asset if you ever need someone to advocate for you in front of tax authorities.

7. Flexibility in Tax Planning

Enrolled Agents can assist with tax planning strategies to minimize your tax liability. They can provide guidance on deductions, credits, and other strategies to optimize your tax situation.


Sometimes, what you need is a specialist, so if any of the above list sounds like what you need for yourself or your business, then don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with us today!